Chief Editor: Chris Brogan

“Fusce volutpat – diam sapien, non cons ectetu aliquam ornare sapien, a suscipit nisi!”

Aliquam ornare sapien, a suscipit nisi convallis veltiam gravida felis nec. Vivamus aliquam ornare sapie nec. Fusce molestie adipiscin ornare sapien risus.

Vivamus aliquam ornare sapien non consectetu aliqa suscipit nisi convallis aliquam orn molesti.
Aliquam ornare sapien, a suscipit nisi convallis veltiam gravida felis nec. Vivamus aliquam ornare sapie nec. Fusce molestie adipiscin ornare sapien lorem ipsum risus.

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Be kinder to yourself!

I found self-kindness attracts us to a reality that we deserve. Let’s discover together my perspective of self-kindness. How can we achieve it and what does self-kindness really mean? I’ve practised self-kindness since my childhood and it started within me when I started to speak a thousand words to myself. If I ever got yelled…

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How Should schools adapt Now!

With the current pandemic happening, every nation, every field is getting affected. We all have seen in the history that civilizations have defeated the epidemics and always come out with better. But our tomorrow depends on the fact of how well we are able to help our children and students build a stronger mindset during…

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Taking a deep breath into my heart

Taking a deep breath into my heart I am feeling for you and with all of those grieving right now– but there’s LIGHT and there’s Love in every place we go and every state we are living. New life is a challenging but yet it’s blessing the new life that we’re having right now opened…

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